Expert en corseterie française - Groupe V2D Lingerie

The V2D Lingerie group

Creating the femininity of tomorrow is at the heart of the mission of the V2D LINGERIE group, a company resolutely turned towards the future and open to the world, placing women at the center of its universe, in all their diversity.

As a French expert in lingerie and swimwear, V2D LINGERIE offers a range of 4 complementary brands, each offering a unique perspective on feminine beauty.

Combining a heritage of artisanal know-how, a commitment to excellence and a relentless quest for innovation, the group deploys its expertise in France and internationally.

V2D Lingerie - Savoir-faire corsetier français

Our corset-making know-how

By combining technical expertise, constant innovation and an ever-evolving creative vision, the V2D LINGERIE group celebrates feminine elegance every day.

Through its exclusive collections, it guarantees expert support, unparalleled comfort and impeccable quality of materials.

Each product line thus reflects a modern interpretation of the contemporary woman, in line with trends.
current fashion and market trends.